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Frau beim Augen Yoga

Eye yoga for wearers of reading glasses

Frau beim Augen Yoga

Eye yoga for wearers of reading glasses

Wearing reading glasses is essential for many people to ensure clear vision when reading or working on the computer. But did you know that regular eye yoga exercises can not only improve your eye h...

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Wann brauche ich eine Lesebrille?

When do I need reading glasses?

How often do we say: 'When my arm is no longer long enough'? Sooner or later, many of us realise that we may need reading glasses. Signs such as burning eyes after reading or headaches are clear si...

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Was bedeuten die Dioptrien bei Lesebrillen?

What do dioptres mean for reading glasses?

The strength of reading glasses is measured in dioptres. This unit of measurement indicates how much the lens refracts light to correct near vision. Lenses are usually rated in 0.5 dioptre incremen...

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Welche Brille passt zu mir?

Which glasses suit me?

Choosing the right pair of glasses is an important decision that goes beyond your visual needs. Eyewear affects your appearance, enhances your personality and can serve as a fashion accessory. Ther...

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Warum eine Lesebrille?

Why a ready reader?

With increasing age, usually between the ages of 40 and 45, the performance (accommodation) of the eye decreases. At some point, the letters become too small when reading - regardless of whether yo...

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I NEED YOU - Optimale Pflege von Lesebrillen

Optimal Care

Ready readers are an everyday item for people aged 40 and over. The right eyewear care should not be missing. This applies in particular to plastic lenses. Even if they are of high quality, th...

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Lesebrille & Brillenkette

Ready Readers & Chains

Many people still associate the word "glasses chain" with the cliché of the forgetful granny or the ageing, quirky receptionist. This should now be a thing of the past, as the chains, which were on...

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